There are 73 aircraft information pages available. Click a name below to view the page showing more information about that aircraft, or enter some text to search for in the search field, and click "Search".
• | Name | Description |
 | Aerobatics 2006 | Aerobatics Warbirds 2006 |
 | Aerobatics 2024 | Aerobatics Displays at Warbirds 2024 |
 | Agusta 109 | RNZAF Agusta 109 Helicopter |
 | Air Force 1998 | Air Force Warbirds 1998 |
 | Air Force 2004 | Air Force Warbirds 2004 |
 | Air Force 2006 | Air Force Warbirds 2006 |
 | Air Force 2017 | Air Force from Classic Fighters 2017 |
 | Attack 2004 | Mock Attack, Warbirds 2004 |
 | Attack 2024 | Airfield Attack, Wanaka 2024 |
 | Avenger | Grumman Avenger |
 | Bleriot | Bleriot at Warbirds 2000 |
 | Boeing 777 | Air New Zealand Boeing 777 |
 | Bristol Fighter | Bristol Fighter |
 | C17 Globemaster III | C17 Warbirds 2024 |
 | Dove of Peace | Dove of Peace (P51 Mustang) |
 | Edge 540 | Edge 540 at Warbirds 2000 |
 | F111 Movies | General Dynamics F-111 Aardvark Movies |
 | F111 Photos | General Dynamics F-111 Aardvark Photos |
 | F16 | F16 Warbirds 2024 |
 | Fokker D8 | Fokker D8, WWI Fighter |
 | Glider | Schleicher Glider |
 | Ground Attack 2010 | Ground Attack at Warbirds 2010 |
 | Ground Forces | Various WWI and WWII ground forces |
 | Ground Forces 2006 | Ground Forces and Vehicles WoW 2006 |
 | Harvards 2010 | Harvards at Warbirds 2010 |
 | Hawker Hunter | The Hawker Hunter, British jet from the 1950s |
 | Hawker Hunter 2012 | Hawker Hunter at Warbirds 2012 |
 | Heavy Metal | Heavy Metal Display, Warbirds 1996 |
 | Hercules | C-130 Hercules |
 | Hercules 2024 | Hercules Warbirds 2024 |
 | Hornet | The F/A-18 Hornet, Australian fighter |
 | Hornets Return | Return of the Hornets 2010 |
 | Hurricane 2000 | Hurricane at Warbirds 2000 |
 | Iroquois | The RNZAF Iroquois display |
 | Jets 1998 | Jets Flown at Warbirds 1998 |
 | Jets 2004 | Jets Flown at Warbirds 2004 |
 | Jets 2006 | Jets Flown at Warbirds 2006 |
 | Jurgis 2010 | Jurgis at Warbirds 2010 |
 | Jurgis Again | Jurgis Again at Warbirds 2010 |
 | Kiwi Blue | Kiwi Blue Parachutes |
 | Lavochkin LA-9 | The Lavochkin LA-9, Russian fighter from the late 1940s |
 | Me 109 | The Messerschmitt Bf 109G-10 Gustav |
 | More 2004 | More Planes Warbirds 2004 |
 | More Planes 2010 | More Planes at Warbirds 2010 |
 | Mosquito | Mosquito Warbirds 2024 |
 | Old Planes 2006 | Air Force Warbirds 2006 |
 | Old Planes 2017 | Old planes from Classic Fighters 2017 |
 | Other Planes 2017 | Other Planes from Classic Fighters 2017 |
 | Other Planes 2024 | Other Aircraft at Wanaka 2024 |
 | Parachutes 2010 | Parachute Display at Warbirds 2010 |
 | Pilots 1996 | Pilots at Warbirds 1996 |
 | Polikarpov I153 | Polikarpov I153 at Warbirds 2000 |
 | Polikarpovs | The Polikarpovs, WWII Russian fighters |
 | Race 1996 | Car, Truck, helicopter Race, 1996 |
 | RNZAF 1996 | RNZAF at Warbirds 1996 |
 | RNZAF 2000 | RNZAF at Warbirds 2000 |
 | RNZAF 2010 | The RNZAF Display at Warbirds 2010 |
 | RNZAF 2024 | RNZAF Displays at Wanaka 2024 |
 | Roaring 40s | The Roaring 40s, Warbirds 1996 |
 | Seasprite | Seasprite SH-2G Helicopter |
 | Spitfire 1998 | Spitfire Warbirds 1998 |
 | Spitfire 2010 | The Spitfire at Warbirds 2010 |
 | Strikemaster | BAC 167 Strikemaster |
 | Su31 1998 | Sukhoi Su31 Warbirds 1998 |
 | Su31 2004 | Su31 at Warbirds 2004 |
 | Tummelisa | The Tummelisa, French/Swedish biplane trainer |
 | V1 | V1, model of a German V1 WWII weapon |
 | Van Drop | The Van Drop at Warbirds 2010 |
 | Wing Walker | The wing walker display |
 | World War II 2006 | World War II Warbirds 2006 |
 | WWI 2004 | WWI Planes Warbirds 2004 |
 | Yak 3 | Yak 3 and Steadfast, Russian fighter |
 | Zero | The Zero, Japanese WWII fighter |
There were 73 entries retrieved for this subject area from the database. Click the name of an aircraft from the list above to view some information.