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This is my web log which contains all sorts of random thoughts I felt it necessary to record for posterity here. I've recorded ideas on all sorts of topics in here so I hope you find something interesting, and maybe even useful!

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More Newspeak

2025-03-24. Comments. Rating 3. ID 2391.

I have already done a blog post about "Newspeak" (a post called "Newspeak", from 2024-01-25) where I mentioned several words used by people which are designed to mislead the reader, rather than elucidate a point, and I want to add to that today.

One of the central tenets of postmodernism is that reality is constructed by language, and that each person has their "own reality", so it should be no surprise that there are many words which have either had their meaning changed, or made unclear, or even reversed in some cases.

By using these words in tactical ways a dishonest or ignorant person can confuse their opponent in a debate, or persuade people to join their cause, or to reject a group currently not in favour.

So here are a few words which are used in this way. Watch out for these. If you see them, there is a chance you are being exposed to gaslighting...

Antifa. Antifa is a group which claim they are against fascism (hence the name), but it turns out their bullying tactics, propaganda, and violence fit in remarkably well with the problem they claim they want to eliminate. They're not always wrong, of course, and have probably targeted some genuinely bad people, but in general *they* are the fascists!

BLM. I have written several times about the "Black Lives Matter" movement which is possibly the most dishonest, corrupt group I have encountered in recent years. Not only are their fundamental beliefs completely irrational, but their financial management of donations and other funds is highly questionable too. Sure, black lives *do* matter, just like all lives matter, but that doesn't mean this group has any credibility.

Diversity. It is often claimed that diversity is an inherently good thing, but while there is no doubt that it can be good in some cases, it often isn't, and the word is also used selectively. For example, if a university celebrates how diverse its workforce is, based on criteria such as race and gender, I might ask how the political diversity looks. But they would most likely answer that by saying that isn't what they mean, and the fact that their staff are 95% left politically is unavoidable.

Hate speech. This is probably the most obvious and concerning way that free speech is being compromised. Hate speech is almost always subjective. There are almost no topics which everyone would agree are hateful. So it is just too easy to select what is defined as "hateful" to suit a political perspective. For example, jokes about Muslims might be hateful, but the same jokes about Christians are OK.

Mansplaining. The suggestion here is that men often like to take over a conversation involving a woman and offer their perspective as fact, even if the woman knows more on the subject under discussion. I'm sure this does happen, but also there are situations where the opposite happens, or when the man's comment is entirely relevant and accurate. Again, this is usually just a convenient way to shut down unwanted opinions, and should be rejected.

Microaggression. A microaggression is an action that offends a sensitive person in some way, but is superficially so minor that it is barely noticed except by people who are very finely attuned to such subtle details. Of course, it is tempting to say that these things are so minor that they either are unworthy of recognition or don't exist at all, but having this as an option is a useful way to shut down opposing opinions.

Phobias. There are a lot of these: transphobia, Islamophobia, fatphobia, etc. The suffix "phobia" conventionally meant an irrational fear of something, which was caused by a psychological problem in the sufferer. So the trick here is that the implication is that if you have a phobia, that is a defect on your part. But the word is now often used to denote that you disagree with something. So if I think obese people are endangering their own health, that isn't fatphobia, it's an opinion based on facts (maybe factphilia?).

White privilege. It is alleged that all white people have a form of privilege which gives them an unfair advantage over others. But the concept is generally not well defined, so it is difficult to refute. And often, if a person does deny having it, that is used as an example of the degree to which it is present. After all, how much privilege must someone have if they don't even recognise its presence any more? But a theory which cannot be disproved isn't even wrong!

Woman. You have to wonder how we have got to a point where a question often used to show a person's political and philosophical perspective is "what is a woman?", especially when we find many prominent politicians and others can't or won't answer it (the leader of New Zealand's main opposition party, for example). Of course, the origin of this is trans ideology where people virtue signal by saying that men who transition are real women. So a common answer to "what is a woman" is "someone who identifies as a woman", but is it just me, or does that definition involve some circularity?

So that is a small selection of new or redefined words which I suggest you watch for in your next debate or discussion. Here are a few more for you to think about: words are violence, non-crime hate incident, social justice, woke, cis-gender. And yes, I know I use these words myself (especially "woke") but I try to use them as a useful shorthand which I go on to explain, or at least I try to have an honest, specific definition. It's not so much the words themselves, but how they are used which is the problem.

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Celebrating Brilliance

2025-03-20. Comments. Rating 4. ID 2390.

Maybe the most annoying thing about the woke mob today is how they celebrate mediocrity and weakness and condemn brilliance. To be fair, there are plenty of other annoying things about them too, and I have probably started sentences with that same phrase then listed something else, like they don't care about facts, are incredibly hateful towards alternative opinions, rely on catchphrases instead of actual points, etc, but for the purposes of this discussion, let's just go with the condemnation of brilliance!

Now, I fully understand that brilliance can be seen as at least partly subjective, but there are some cases where it shows total unawareness to deny it. For example, Isaac Newton was utterly brilliant in the areas of science and maths, and anyone who denies that is purely ignorant. Magnus Carlsen is a brilliant chess player. Lionel Messi is one of the most brilliant football players ever. I could go on, but you get the idea by now.

You might have guessed where this is going, based on other recent posts I have made. Yes, it is my hero, Elon Musk, who I would nominate for the "brilliant" label today. I fully agree that this is a controversial opinion, given his current political activities in the Trump presidency, but in some ways that just adds to my admiration for him. And yes, I support Trump, in case you hadn't noticed, and that doesn't mean I agree with everything he says or does, but I think he is what the world needs at this point in history.

I have listed Musk's businesses and other activities before, but let's just go over them again now: Tesla, SpaceX, Starlink, Neuralink, the Boring Company, PayPal, X (Twitter), Solar City, OpenAI, xAI, Zip2, and DOGE. Have I missed any? He's involved with so much stuff it's hard to tell!

Obviously, some of those are more important than others, but the big successes are very impressive. For example, the Tesla Model Y was the biggest selling car in the world last year, so Tesla is significant. OpenAI (which he helped setup, but is now not so involved with) created the world's leading AI: ChatGPT. And SpaceX is likely to launch 90% of all the payload for the entire world into orbit this year. How insane is that: his company will launch almost ten times as much as every other company and organisation in every other country put together!

Have you heard that a SpaceX rocket and crew capsule was recently used to rescue the crew of the International Space Station, because the opposition at Boeing is such a failure? Didn't hear that much about it? I wonder why. Maybe for the same reason that we don't hear much about how Joe Biden previously refused to allow Musk to rescue those people because it would be politically inconvenient (allegedly, at least).

But even if Boeing (and related to that, NASA) hadn't failed so badly, SpaceX is still the best option, because they can launch into space ten times faster and at half the cost of NASA missions. Considering Boeing is a hugely established company and SpaceX is relatively new, it is an impressive feat.

Any of these achievements are worth celebrating in themselves, but together they are truly extraordinary. And the best is yet to come, because maybe Musk's greatest wish is to get to Mars, and he has built the biggest and most advanced rocket ever to achieve this. It is called Starship, and it is a technological masterpiece, and the largest flying machine ever created, at 123 meters tall.

He expects to get a robot to Mars this year, and humans there by 2029, although that is an optimistic target and I have to concede that Musk often fails to meet targets on time. But it's the fact that he would even try that really matters. He seems to be one of the few people who has the commitment and the ability to make great things happen.

Finally, there is Musk's humility and dedication. When Tesla was in danger of failing he slept on the factory floor so he could be there as much as possible, and he is doing the same thing now with DOGE (the department of government efficiency, which he runs for no pay). He lives in a tiny house and donates massive amounts to charity. Remember, he is the richest man in the world.

Now you might expect that someone achieving such great things and demonstrating such devotion and authenticity might be celebrated, especially in a country where success has always been admired, but apparently not.

When a recent Starship flight failed, his opponents mocked him and celebrated. Spaceflight is hard, and every company has failures, so this wasn't unexpected. In fact, Musk uses the "fail fast" philosophy where small improvements are tested and problems fixed within a rapid timeframe. Obviously it would be better if stuff didn't blow up, but it isn't necessarily as bad as it seems.

And in line with some of my recent posts, here is some Maori BS (I've noticed that recently when I type the word Maori it is usually followed with "BS"; I wonder why that would be) I have heard here in New Zealand. A Maori "astronomer" complained that Musk's Starlink satellites were interfering with some superstitious nonsense, like this: "Elon Musk's Starlink satellites have already interfered with a tuku wairua ceremony during Matariki, when whanau who have died are released to the stars; while satellite proliferation threatens traditional waka hourua navigation."

Well, you know, in an ideal world that wouldn't happen, but in the greater scheme of things I've got to ask, what sensible person would care about that nonsense when we have a high speed global communications network which has proved itself in situations like the Ukraine war and in recovering from natural disasters (usually using donated hardware and free service), as well as providing excellent general purpose internet connectivity, especially in remote locations?

A similar lack of vision is seen in the opinions of many others. A common question is why is Musk putting this much effort and money into getting into space when we have so many problems here on Earth? Well, he has made a massive contribution to that as well, because Tesla really marked the start of electric cars being accepted as a viable alternative to ICE cars, which should be helpful to those suffering from "climate hysteria" (note again that I think climate change is real, I just disagree with the political response).

Finally, there is the recent, sometimes violent, reaction in the US and elsewhere, where "activists" are vandalising and destroying Teslas, including setting some on fire (a dangerous thing to do with any device which has a high power battery). The people, who actually fit within the definition of "terrorist", are often the same ones demanding more electric cars to combat climate change, and yet they are destroying those cars because of some ill-defined political point of difference with the owner of the company. Wow, just wow. Can these people get any more stupid and corrupt?

It's the same old story: the left have gone (in many cases, literally) insane. They are completely irrational, violent, and intolerant. It's time to get back to celebrating brilliance rather than mediocrity.

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Embarrassing Nonsense

2025-03-13. Comments. Rating 5. ID 2389.

I've been doing quite a lot of anti-Maori debating recently (or what some people might call racist, Maori bashing). Actually, that's not really accurate, and I'll leave it to you to decide whether I'm racist or not (I really don't care at this point). It is more arguing against Maori activism, Maori privilege, and Maori customs and beliefs being forced onto people in inappropriate contexts. So in fact, I'm not anti Maori, or anti any other group of people in fact, but I am anti some of the nonsense we are forced to endure to maintain subservience to Maori cultural beliefs.

I recently watched a video where American comedian and commentator, Bill Maher, ridiculed New Zealand for giving a mountain, Mount Taranaki, the status of a person. And he's absolutely right, because this is embarrassing and silly, and it is just a way to keep Maori activists happy, as well as making a bunch of mindless woke fools feel good.

New Zealand commentator, Martyn Bradbury, wrote an open letter in return which is too tedious to repeat in full, but here are some selected parts to give you an idea: "Maori have cultural memory of the first wave of white settler capitalist exploitation resource taking" and "they have the flax roots knowledge of what sustainability and environmental protection looks like" and "international right wing think tanks always aim to attack indigenous rights".

It's all the usual nonsense. Would the Maori who "remember white settler exploitation" and who "have the knowledge of sustainability" be the same ones (or the descendants of them) who destroyed more native vegetation before colonisation than has been done since? Would they be the same who wiped out many species, including the moa, because they exploited them as a resource?

The fact is that Maori had no idea what sustainability even meant, and no concept of preserving nature. Environmentalism is primarily an invention of the Western world. If the British hadn't colonised the country would there be any original forest left? How many bird species would remain? Would the Maori have even managed to survive?

This is the point that Maher went on to make in his monologue where he, quite rightly, criticised Maori as being ignorant, stone age, violent, cannibalistic savages. It was really quite a rant, and although it was true, it wasn't something you hear too often.

If Mount Taranaki needs protection then can we do it in a rational way which doesn't make us look like a nation of clowns? There are already mechanisms in place to protect important areas of the country which actually make sense and don't rely on primitive superstitions to be enacted.

In fact, we are laughed at around the world for several other reasons as well, and most of them seem to relate to Maori culture. The All Blacks haka is admired by some, but many others find it tedious, offensive, and completely unnecessary. The debacle in parliament last year when a bunch of idiots from the Maori Party jumped around acting like five year olds was also laughed at by many. And some people have been quite alarmed at attempts to incorporate Maori superstitions and casual beliefs into science teaching and research here.

People have the right to believe whatever nonsense they want. There are plenty of European New Zealanders who believe in some pretty crazy stuff, both in the area of religious and new age beliefs, but at least they tend to keep those to themselves, except for maybe Destiny Church! But even in that case, their activism isn't celebrated and isn't used to formulate laws and regulations.

So I think we need to do two things...

First, we need to keep different areas of human interest in the context they naturally belong in. Mythology and religious belief is OK as long as it is treated that way. It cannot be used to formulate laws and regulations, and cannot be forced onto people who have no interest in it. I will not participate in karakia (Maori prayers) before a meeting or in any other context, for example. And I will not respect laws based on someone else's superstitions.

Second, as far as we do recognise different cultures' beliefs, we need to at least have an even playing field. If we are going to make Maori mythology part of science then why not make creationism part of it too? Obviously, I am making a rhetorical point here, and neither have a place there. If some Maori tribe protests when a traditional belief that they have is invalidated in some way, then how is that different from Destiny Church protests? I know, both are inconvenient and sometimes become somewhat violent, but the general reaction is quite different for similar actions.

Really, it's about time activists of all types were put in their place. Activism is fine, but when it is irrational and self-serving we really need to ridicule it. Maybe Bill Maher could do one of his famous rants and we could put it on national TV news? That might get the message across that we are sick of this embarrassing nonsense.

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All About Compromise

2025-03-04. News. Rating 4. ID 2388.

Sometimes we shouldn't compromise, right? I mean, some things are so important that only one outcome is acceptable. Well, maybe that's true, although my tendency towards nuance recently might suggest otherwise. Personally I think that pursuing one outcome, without compromise, is a recipe for disaster. So let's look at an example of where compromise is the best strategy.

Let's talk about the war in Ukraine. This is particularly topical right now because of the "debacle" which resulted from talks between the president of Ukraine, Zelensky, and Trump and Vance.

I am no expert on this (but when has that ever stopped me in the past?) but I have heard several interviews with all three of those participants, and with independent military experts. The interview with Zelensky lead me to one major conclusion: he is stubborn and not prepared to compromise. And fair enough too, because why should he compromise when he is the innocent victim of an illegal invasion from a much bigger country run by a tyrant?

Well, sure, that's an easy attitude to have when you aren't the one fighting and dying on the front lines of the war. And don't try to tell me what a hero he is because we have occasionally seen him posing with his armed forces. I don't think he is a hero and I don't think he has ever been in any genuinely dangerous positions. What is he doing instead? Flying around the world gathering support (and by that I mainly mean money) for the war effort. Is he really a hero?

On the other side, Trump and Vance certainly got unnecessarily aggressive with him during that meeting. In some ways that was necessary, but was it really the most productive way to act? I don't think so.

Russia thought the war would be over in a few weeks, but they didn't realise that the military strategies they initially used were a disaster in the modern era. So they didn't succeed in their aims and lost a lot of men and equipment in the process. But they have learned from their mistake, and now are making progress, although it is slow. And while this continues, the casualties increase, with current estimates of up to a million.

Ukraine cannot win the war by itself. It could win easily if Western countries became fully and directly involved, but that would be a major escalation which we should avoid. Why? Well, remember Russia has a lot of nuclear weapons. Does anyone want to take a bet that they wouldn't use them if they became desperate enough? Trump wasn't exaggerating when he accused Zelensky of risking starting World War 3!

So realistically, Ukraine is going to have to make some compromises, and that will involve some loss of territory and an agreement that they cannot join NATO. Is that fair? No. Is that the perfect outcome? No. Is it the best compromise? I think so. It would allow Russia to disengage while still claiming some sort of win. The war would end and the killing would stop. I think Trump could negotiate this deal, but Zelensky has to be realistic and accept it too.

I can see why he wouldn't want to. He is admired around the world for his steadfast fortitude and unwavering commitment to his country, but that's easy when he's not the one being shot at, or the one supplying massive amounts of money, some of which has possibly been used for doubtful purposes. While the war continues, he is the hero and the unopposed leader, but after the war what happens? Well, remember what happened to Churchill after World War 2?

The problem, of course, is that if Russia gains territory out of a deal to end the war they started, they might just be encouraged to try it again in the future, so there would need to be an absolute understanding that it would not be tolerated again. Maybe the West (mainly Europe and the US) could supply strong defences against any future attack, or maybe they could make an absolute commitment to assisting with the future defence of Ukraine with extensive land and air forces.

There is no doubt that Russia, apart from the nukes, is not strong militarily. Their hardware is inferior, their training is inferior, and their economy (which is smaller than the US, Germany, the UK, France, and Italy) cannot fight a significant war for long. But don't forget those nukes!

We don't need the narcissistic posing we are getting from Zelensky and his allies in Europe. We need a limited commitment of support from the US and Europe so that Ukraine has some bargaining power, but we then need a compromise so that Russia can stop the war. Yes, it's all about compromise.

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Things are Better

2025-02-27. Comments. Rating 2. ID 2387.

Many people claim that the modern world is a terrible place: that racism is out of control, that there is more violence than ever, that the environment is getting worse, that poverty is increasing. Sounds like a good story that the people who dedicate their lives to complaining and protesting, like climate activists, might appreciate, but is it true?

Well, there is some nuance here, because there are issues we need to take seriously, but overall the world is better than it has ever been. At least, that's my opinion, and it is one shared by many other people.

I think the big problem is that many people, especially those living in rich Western countries, have no idea what a bad world would even look like. They have no idea what life was like just 100 years ago, and probably couldn't even imagine what it might have been like 1000 years ago.

So let's look at some of the issues I listed above...

Is racism out of control? Well, this is probably the most stupid argument I have listed, because things have never been more equitable, and there are no formal barriers stopping minority races from succeeding in the more advanced countries.

In fact, if racism does exist, it is more prevalent in a form which is against the majority ethnicities in the Western world, in most cases, white people of European origin. And here's a relevant question: if the system works against black people so effectively, how did Obama get to be president?

So what about violence? Well the war in Gaza has effectively ended, although it is hard to know how long that might last, and rebuilding that area looks like a significant task. And the war in Ukraine is still active, but there are signs that it might be ended soon too, although that is uncertain. Also, there are various smaller conflicts and uprisings, mainly in Africa, which are a concern.

The ideal situation is for there to be no violence of course, but overall, compared with the past, the world is relatively peaceful. Note the use of the word "relatively" there!

So what about the environment? Well, we have climate change, which we are told is an existential crisis. Of course, it isn't, but we should still be concerned about it. There is significant destruction of some natural areas, such as the Amazon, but there is more forest cover now in the Northern Hemisphere than in the past.

Environmentalism, in general, is recognised as a legitimate concern by many people, although the increasing extremism of many activists today is spoiling that previous acceptance. Like everything, we need to stay realistic and not let the more extreme activists sneak in toxic political views in parallel with fair environmental concerns.

Finally, what about poverty? Well, 200 years ago, 94% of the world lived in poverty. Today it is under 10%. That sounds like a pretty significant improvement to me. Where poverty remains it is generally caused by conflict and political corruption, which will probably never be entirely eliminated, but the general downward trend seems very good.

Progress is good, and by progress I don't mean progressivism. What I mean is better technology, more freedom of thought and speech, and open and accountable governments. Note that all three of these are being pushed by the Trump administration, not the previous Biden one which claimed to be more progressive.

It is very important to not accept it when words are redefined. The political left around the world (what of it still remains) is rarely liberal, progressive, or equitable in the way I understand those words.

So yes, don't take too much notice of the news. The media today is often more inclined to pushing a narrative rather than reporting the facts. Do some research, look at the stats, and be cautious in accepting what the media tell you. Then you will see things are better than what we are often lead to believe.

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A Nice Conspiracy

2025-02-22. Politics. Rating 4. ID 2386.

I love a good conspiracy. Of course, I know most conspiracies are pretty silly, and can easily be shown to be likely to be false, but others are true, and sometimes they can be quite important. So maybe the biggest global conspiracy around for many years now is that climate change is a hoax.

So do I think climate change is fake? Well, no. I have debated climate change deniers on several occasions and I think the evidence I have found is good enough to conclude it is real, at least as an interim conclusion. But the bigger question is: what about the political response to it, is there a conspiracy there?

Maybe there is. The usual solution to climate change is to reduce carbon emissions, mainly by reducing the use of fossil fuels. But this is a classic "tragedy of the commons" situation, where the best response for each individual is to ignore the rules, but when everyone does that, it is worst for everyone.

In this context, we could reduce the effects of climate change if every country used less fossil fules, but assuming everyone else does use less, the best response for an individual country is to continue using those fuels and enjoy the economic benefits. One country won't effect the overall situation much, as long as the others do their part, but can still enjoy the advantages burning those fuels give.

Of course, the key action is for that rogue country to convince the rest of the world that they should continue with their economically damaging, but presumably environmentally advantageous, activities. You might say they need to indulge in gaslighting.

If we look at the world the way it is now we might see this in action, and that's the conspiracy. China has been accused of pushing climate change ideology on the Western world, especially Europe, while building lots of new coal fired power plants itself. It's refusing to "play the game".

Look at charts of changes in CO2 emissions by different countries, and it is obvious that the US, Europe, and the rest of the Western world, have been reducing the amount of CO2 they release for years now, at the same time China is vastly increasing theirs. Of course, it's not just China, because India is also bad, but China is the biggest problem.

Here are the numbers. Since the year 2000, China has increased it's emissions by over 200%, India by about 150%, the US reduced theirs by 10% and Europe by 16%. And here are the actual numbers: China produces about 31% of total global CO2, the US 14%, Europe (minus Russia) about 6%, and New Zealand less than 0.1%.

At the same time, many economies are struggling while China's is progressing quite well (apart from a recent slow down).

China has been caught encouraging climate change and other environmental activism in countries like Germany. Why would they do this? Do they care about the environment? If they do, why build all those new coal fired plants? Or maybe they want to gain an advantage over other countries, by encouraging them to sabotage their own economies. That seems to make a lot more sense: it's classic gaslighting.

It goes beyond climate change too. The Western world has been plagued by self-loathing and self-doubt for years. If you want to destroy a culture, attack it from within, or let it attack itself from within. This clearly seems to be what is happening.

It's a great conspiracy and I think it has at least an element of truth. And while we are on the subject of conspiracies originating from China, what about COVID? The response to COVID has also been incredibly damaging to many countries. I think the virus did come from that lab in Wuhan (a conclusion also reached by the CIA). It seems unlikely that it was released deliberately, because why would you do that next to a lab working on that technology and draw attention to it, but an accident was just as damaging.

Of course, China suffered from the effects of COVID as well as the rest of us, but on balance you could say it gained. And why was the opinion that the virus came from that lab labelled as misinformation originally, and why were people who shared that view shut down? It was not only an opinion worth discussing, but also the most logical conclusion given the facts. I mean, what conclusion should we have reached when a new virus appeared right next to a lab doing research on that exact technology?

It all sounds fairly serious, doesn't it? Destruction from within can be a lot harder to combat than an external attack, but attitudes can change and that does seem to be happening now, mainly thanks to Trump and Musk. We will still get climate change, but we always were going to get it anyway, but at least we might have an economy working well enough to allow us to cope with it.

It's a nice conspiracy, isn't it?

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We Need Trump and Musk

2025-02-11. News. Rating 5. ID 2385.

Well, Waitangi Day has come and gone again, and it has involved a similar level of controversy as in the past. But I have written posts about what a disgrace our so-called "national day" is in the past, so this time I want to talk about the underlying issue: race relations. Specifically, I want to show some of the reactions to one particular "initiative" to make these relations "better".

The post I am using here, and the comments about it, come from X (previously known as Twitter) and I don't apologise for that, despite the idea that many people have that X is both biased and frivolous. If that's what you think, you are wrong. X has been shown to have the best balance of political views from all the social media, news, and discussion platforms, including news sources which are not internet-based. So I think it does give a genuine view of what people are thinking.

So here is the post which I, and others, reacted to. I have left the comments mostly unfiltered, so sorry if you are offended. I have also chosen all the comments about the post (or at least the first 20, because there could have been thousands) so this should demonstrate a variety of opinions... except it didn't.

This is the post: "The Pakeha Project is funded by New Zealand Government Agencies, including the Ministry of Justice, Statistics New Zealand, and the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE). The Pakeha Project is an organization in New Zealand led by "tangata Tiriti" (people who identify as New Zealand European settlers under the Treaty of Waitangi) that focuses on providing programs and workshops for Pakeha AKA White (New Zealand Europeans) to deepen their understanding of The Treaty of Waitangi and their role in building a more equitable relationship with Special Maori (Who are not The Indigenous people of New Zealand), aiming to promote systemic change through personal reflection and action; it is often centered around creating safe spaces for Pakeha to confront issues related to colonization and racism. The Pakeha Project was founded in 2019 by Rebecca Sinclair and Louise Marra."

Comment 1: Outside Pakeha Project offices this morning [Includes an image of a bunch of clowns entering a building].

Comment 2: These "pakeha project" dickheads need to be hauled before the human rights commission. It's straight discrimination and racism.

Comment 3: We are paying for people who didn't have Maori friends in school.

Comment 4: Typical demonically perverted lunatic white liberal women - who absolutely believe they're "good" in their virtue-signalling. And utterly deny the harm they've caused and are causing.

Comment 5: I'm a white kiwi New Zealander not a "white pig" thank you and don't tell me that isn't what it means as have numerous true Maori friends that say that's what it means. [Referring to the word "pakeha"]

Comment 6: Stupid lefty Muppets. They can just f off.

Comment 7: The Pakeha Project, funded by various New Zealand government agencies, strikes many as a prime example of "woke" ideology gone too far. It's a ridiculous expense to taxpayers who might not see the value in or even want this kind of initiative. It's one thing to educate, but this is propaganda.

Comment 8: LOL I didn't see "Work hard, study hard privilege".

Comment 9: Shut it down.

Comment 10: Has this been cancelled by the new govt?

Comment 11: Struggle sessions. No thanks, the scum scrum can struggle along without me.

Comment 12: I think she's really brave for being so open with her mental illness and her passion for cuckolding. Thank goodness she lives in a country where she can get access to the help she needs, not ahead of Maori in the public health system of course.

Comment 13: Rebecca Sinclair, another parasite on the NZ taxpayer.

Comment 14: Goddamn this is so pathetic.

Comment 15: Absolutely hilarious stuff in here. Guy Williams needs to study this. One small gem... "Our programmes, workshops, coaching and interventions are designed to develop capacities for deep reflection and meaningful action on the role of tangata Tiriti in honouring Te Tiriti o Waitangi".

Comment 16: Hi ya Becks, do love all the carefully placed post-it notes. It doesn't look contrived at all - really. IMHO the following collection of words wins the meaningless drivel prize. "promote systemic change through personal reflection" Simply can't wait to get to a safe place.

Comment 17: Underlying theme, be gay, abort your child.

Comment 18: Even more reason to bristle at the pakeha word.

Comment 19: Is she trying to be a bill gates?

Comment 20: And they can fark off.

Comment 21: Should be called the "Propaganda Project"?

Comment 22: What a worthless piece of shit. Why are we still getting this BS?

So you can see there is no support there at all for this project. By the way, my comments are number 21 and 22. It's rare that I just abuse people like I did in 22, but this is just so insane that I just couldn't help it this time.

So what is happening here? Well, this is pure propaganda, as I said in comment 21. It's a way to push Maori perspectives and encourage further demands for handouts and special privileges. It tries to make non-Maori compliant to these demands by presenting fundamentally fictitious principles which allegedly come from the Treaty but in reality only exist in the minds of some judges and other activists.

And it is classic Critical Race Theory nonsense, where the clear and obvious deficiencies in a "minority group" are always blamed on someone else.

I have said recently that woke-ism is dying, but clearly, judging by this garbage, it hasn't gone completely just yet. But look at those comments: people just aren't interested any longer.

Unfortunately, our prime minister doesn't seem to have quite figured this out yet. He is still pretty woke, in fact he has been compared with the horrible Jacinda Ardern in this regard. I don't think he is as bad as her, but he's still pretty bad!

One other controversial opinion needs to be added here too: this stuff seems to be being driven primarily by women (see comment 4), and that is a common phenomenon in other countries too. Women are more driven by emotion, so woke nonsense appeals to them, since it is more about what is allegedly "nice" rather than what is true. Of course, there are plenty of men talking BS as well, and plenty of women who make very good, rational arguments, but it is a trend which I think is undeniable.

So woke-ism isn't dead just yet. How much longer will we need to put up with it in New Zealand? Until we get a decent prime minister, I guess, and who knows if and when that will happen. I wonder if Trump and Musk might like to visit here after they have finished sorting out America!

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Pragmatic Libertarianism

2025-01-30. Politics. Rating 2. ID 2384.

Sometimes people can be quite surprised, or even shocked, at some of my political positions. I work in a university, so extreme leftists ideas, which appear to originate from a place of naivety and ideological idealism, seem to predominate, which makes any other position, including anything which is even moderately right, seem extreme in the opposite direction.

The philosophical basis for my politics is the pursuit of optimal freedom. I'm not an anarchist who wants a complete lack of government control, because I recognise that it can be necessary in some situations, but I do want to minimise the influence other people, especially governments, have on me.

In the past, more left-oriented governments seemed to offer the best option for freedom of speech, and moderate control of society for the greater good, but that has changed, and now it seems to be the right which takes freedom more seriously.

There are two types (at least) of right politics though: conservatism and libertarianism, and many of the beliefs of those two groups differ, although there is significant overlap as well. I tend to identify more with libertarianism than conservatism, although I do agree with many aspects of both, and other political perspectives as well.

So I can see some merit in libertarianism, conservatism, socialism, nationalism, and environmentalism. Actually, the only party in New Zealand I couldn't vote for is the Maori Party, because they are just a bunch of irrational, racist extremists, with no redeeming merit I can identify at this point. And currently the Greens have gone too far down the path towards a disturbing blend of environmentalist, woke-ism, and Marxism, so currently I couldn't vote for them either, although I did in the past when they were more moderate.

It would be quite bizarre if I found one party which fitted by beliefs perfectly, because then in what way would I be an individual? Could I have identical beliefs to a party and still claim to be thinking for myself? I don't think so.

At the last election I voted for New Zealand's libertarian party, Act, because that was the best fit at the time, but that won't necessarily always be the case. I see myself as a pragmatic libertarian. I think many of the basic principles behind that political position are good, but there are exceptions, so I am pragmatic and accept that sometimes different ideas, even those which seem completely contrary, are needed.

Libertarianism emphasises the need for individual freedom and responsibility, but no one (at least no truly thoughtful person) thinks that can be achieved absolutely. When I, utilising my freedom, significantly affect another person then my actions need limitations. When the ultimate outcome of individuals working for their own benefit results in a worse situation for the majority, then individuality has failed and top-down control might be necessary.

But controls over the individual should be a last resort, where no other options are available. The left generally favour rules and regulations, and plenty of them. They favour committees and government organisations to impose control from the top. As I said, sometimes this is necessary, but it should be minimised, and if the initial purpose for an organisation is no longer relevant, then that organisation should be shut down.

In the US currently, there is a push to disestablish many of the government institutions. The new president has a group called DOGE (the Department of Government Efficiency) which is tasked with reducing the number of institutions which currently exist (and before you ask, yes, I do recognise the irony in creating a government group to reduce the number of government groups). No one seems to know how many of these organisations there are currently, or how many people they employee, but the number seems to be in the 400 to 500 range, with potentially millions of employees.

Reducing the number of organisations of this type does seem to be a good idea, because they are costing the taxpayer a fortune to run while reducing their freedoms and stifling innovation and progress, at least allegedly.

As I said above, I am not an absolutist on this subject, so I think some government organisations are needed, but I think the default position should be to not have one unless it is absolutely essential. The current attitude amongst many is that more is always better. That seems unlikely.

The same applies to the rules, regulations, laws, and policies many of these organisations create. They say ignorance of the law is no excuse, but no one can know every law (and that's not even considering other forms of rules) and even if they did, many laws are open to interpretation. I say let's concentrate on quality rather than quantity, and make the law something that can reasonably be understood and followed by the majority of citizens.

You might say it will never happen, but every despotic regime eventually is overthrown, even when the possibility of that seems small. Senior politicians in Europe were laughing about the possibility of the demise of the USSR the day before the Berlin Wall came down. Many people were absolutely confident Kamala Harris would be the next president the day before the election. Many people in New Zealand were shocked by the resignation of Jacinda Ardern.

Freedom is important. Maybe it's all that really matters, especially when we interpret the word in the wider context. How do we achieve it? Through pragmatic libertarianism, I say!

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Not a Nazi

2025-01-24. News. Rating 4. ID 2382.

I don't know whether the issues that I see as being prominent around the world are the same that other people are aware of. I sometimes mention a controversy which I have seen featuring a lot on-line only to find that no one else has a clue what I am talking about.

So if the issue I am discussing here is not one you are familiar with then I guess this is in that category: a major talking point on various on-line platforms, but not being widely reported or discussed in the legacy media. Anyway, the subject is Elon Musk's "Nazi salute".

There are various labels which political groups like to use to criticise their opponents. These are generally poorly defined, not backed up with facts, and really the modern equivalent of just using a childish, generic insult, like "idiot" or "dick" or "retard". And I must mention here that this phenomenon seems more prominent on the left than the right, although both sides are guilty to some extent.

So the modern equivalents are words like "fascist", "Nazi", "misogynist", "transphobe", and "racist". No doubt there are people who genuinely are one or more of these things, but in the vast majority of cases they are just fatuous words, completely lacking in any real meaning.

Since Elon Musk has aligned himself with Trump he has become a major target for the left, maybe even more so that Trump himself, and that is really a big call when we consider how common Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) is. On Musk's own platform, X (previously Twitter), he is constantly attacked and every post he makes is criticised, sometimes fairly, but often just because of who he is.

So here's what happened...

In a recent public meeting for Trump, Musk made a speech and emphasised his points with various hand gestures, including one where he thanked Trump supporters from his heart. The gesture he made was to place his hand over his heart, then energetically push his arm out towards the people he was thanking. But if you carefully choose the right (or wrong) exact moment from this gesture, the outward movement of his arm can look like a Nazi salute.

I mean, this is so stupid I can't even believe I have to discuss it, but the anti-Trump (and by extension, anti-Musk) crowd have taken that moment and said it shows he is a secret (or maybe not so secret) Nazi. I know, this sounds like satire, but it really is an issue being discussed both in social media and in the mainstream media.

Many Trump supporters have countered this silly claim by showing carefully selected frames of prominent leftist politicians, including Kamala Harris and Barack Obama, who also appear to be doing the same gesture. But apparently they still don't get it: Elon is a real Nazi and those others are just people who are being persecuted. It really is pathetic, there's no other word for it, I'm afraid.

You might think this silliness is irrelevant and that the more authentic criticisms of Musk and Trump should still be taken seriously, but it does show a pattern of dishonesty and desperation that should make us suspicious of any similar criticism of them. Sure, I know they do get things wrong occasionally, and there are Trump policies and ideas I disagree with, but my default position is to assume that the rhetoric used against them is BS.

So really, the leftists are just further destroying their already bad reputation, and the mainstream media (commercial and state TV, radio, and newspapers) are just accelerating their demise. They already have record low levels of trust, and this sort of thing is exactly why.

So no, Elon is not a Nazi, and Trump isn't a fascist, and the vast majority of people who are labelled racist, transphobe, etc are not those either. I would take about as much notice of these insults as I would a 5 year old kid calling another kid a loser.

Not only is Elon not a Nazi, but I actually believe he is the most important person in the world today, both because of his epic businesses and for his political activism (which I mostly agree with). But the bigger a winner he is the more the left will hate him, because there is one thing they cannot cope with, and that is brilliance and success.

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Not a Nazi (Error)

2025-01-24. News. Rating 4. ID 2383.

I don't know whether the issues that I see as being prominent around the world are the same that other people are aware of. I sometimes mention a controversy which I have seen featuring a lot on-line only to find that no one else has a clue what I am talking about.

So if the issue I am discussing here is not one you are familiar with then I guess this is in that category: a major talking point on various on-line platforms, but not being widely reported or discussed in the legacy media. Anyway, the subject is Elon Musk's "Nazi salute".

There are various labels which political groups like to use to criticise their opponents. These are generally poorly defined, not backed up with facts, and really the modern equivalent of just using a childish, generic insult, like "idiot" or "dick" or "retard". And I must mention here that this phenomenon seems more prominent on the left than the right, although both sides are guilty to some extent.

So the modern equivalents are words like "fascist", "Nazi", "misogynist", "transphobe", and "racist". No doubt there are people who genuinely are one or more of these things, but in the vast majority of cases they are just fatuous words, completely lacking in any real meaning.

Since Elon Musk has aligned himself with Trump he has become a major target for the left, maybe even more so that Trump himself, and that is really a big call when we consider how common Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) is. On Musk's own platform, X (previously Twitter), he is constantly attacked and every post he makes is criticised, sometimes fairly, but often just because of who he is.

So here's what happened...

In a recent public meeting for Trump, Musk made a speech and emphasised his points with various hand gestures, including one where he thanked Trump supporters from his heart. The gesture he made was to place his hand over his heart, then energetically push his arm out towards the people he was thinking. But if you carefully choose the right (or wrong) exact moment from this gesture, the outward movement of his arm can look like a Nazi salute.

I mean, this is so stupid I can't even believe I have to discuss it, but the anti-Trump (and by extension, anti-Musk) crowd have taken that moment and said it shows he is a secret (or maybe not so secret) Nazi. I know, this sounds like satire, but it really is an issue being discussed both in social media and in the mainstream media.

Many Trump supporters have countered this silly claim by showing carefully selected frames of prominent leftist politicians, including Kamala Harris and Barack Obama, who also appear to be doing the same gesture. But apparently they still don't get it: Elon is a real Nazi and those others are just people who are being persecuted. It really is pathetic, there's no other word for it, I'm afraid.

You might think this silliness is irrelevant and that the more authentic criticisms of Musk and Trump should still be taken seriously, but it does show a pattern of dishonesty and desperation that should make us suspicious of any similar criticism of them. Sure, I know they do get things wrong occasionally, and there are Trump policies and ideas I disagree with, but my default position is to assume that the rhetoric used against them is BS.

So really, the leftists are just further destroying their already bad reputation, and the mainstream media (commercial and state TV, radio, and newspapers) are just accelerating their demise. They already have record low levels of trust, and this sort of thing is exactly why.

So no, Elon is not a Nazi, and Trump isn't a fascist, and the vast majority of people who are labelled racist, transphobe, etc are not those either. I would take about as much notice of these insults as I would a 5 year old kid calling another kid a loser.

Not only is Elon not a Nazi, but I actually believe he is the most important person in the world today, both because of his epic businesses and for his political activism (which I mostly agree with). But the bigger a winner he is the more the left will hate him, because there is one thing they cannot cope with, and that is brilliance and success.

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Wrong and Dangerous

2025-01-17. Philosophy. Rating 4. ID 2381.

According to the Oxford review, "Cultural relativism is the philosophical perspective that posits that a person's beliefs, values, and practices should be understood based on that person's own culture rather than be judged against the criteria of another culture. This concept encourages individuals to approach cultural differences with an open mind and a willingness to understand varying worldviews without imposing their own cultural standards." and then goes on to indicate its importance in relation to DEI (diversity, equity, inclusion).

I'm sure that most people will accept this to a certain extent. Clearly people believe in different things, and behave differently depending on their background, so really this is just common sense... or is it?

The problem here is a familiar one: that is that the concept of cultural relativism, just like so many others, has sensible and fair initial assumptions and aims, but has been pushed to extremes where it is no longer a positive force. No doubt people do act based on what their culture dictates is appropriate, but the concept goes beyond that now and often states that all cultures are equally valuable and moral.

To the contrary, I think that some cultures are just naturally better than others, and members of the more moral cultures should have the right to criticise the less moral aspects of others. I'm not saying that some cultures are perfect in every way, or better in every way than others, but on balance some are just better overall.

Here is my justification for this view...

First, are all cultures the same? Clearly not, because apart from the simple common sense view that they appear to be different, there is the following argument: we often hear demands for integrating the views of other cultures into our society. In that case they must have some value which ours doesn't. If that is the case then they must be different.

So if they are different it makes sense that some must be better than others. Complex human constructs, like a whole culture, inevitably have attributes which can be assessed by their intrinsic value, including in both a practical and a moral sense, so we must be able to say that some cultures are better than others.

Now, what about the source of these apparently subjective moral judgements? Unless we believe in a divine source for morality, how can we even say the concept has any meaning? Well, there are various philosophical approaches to this problem, including utilitarianism, but they all have faults, so I agree it is difficult to say for sure that something is good or bad, and why. I take a pragmatic approach here and say what is good is what the majority of honest, sane people think is good when asked in a way which bypasses their political, religious, or philosophical ideology (evaluating these sorts of beliefs is a thing which experimental psychologists are fairly good at).

Finally, if we look at the world as a whole we see certain trends which indicate how attractive some countries (and by extension, their culture) are in comparison to others. For example, how many people are illegally leaving Germany or the UK so they can live in Syria? How many are leaving the US so they can move to Venezuela? That's right, almost none, but in the opposite direction we see large numbers. Surely this indicates that some cultures are just better than others, and everyone knows it!

When asked in a way which bypasses the automatic biases people have, we can find things which almost everyone agrees on: we should have a high degree of freedom, everyone should be treated equally, criminals should be punished but must have a fair trial, etc. Some societies do these better than others, for example I think Western societies do all of these better than Islamic societies, so again, it is obvious not all societies are equal.

So sure, be aware that people can only be judged when the society they belong to is taken into account, but don't pretend that makes certain actions OK, and never believe that all cultures are equal. That is both wrong and dangerous.

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Between the Extremes

2025-01-09. Politics. Rating 2. ID 2380.

There seems to always be a zeitgeist associated with every period in history. It's like people are just looking around trying to find someone else to tell them what and how to think, instead of figuring it out for themselves. Maybe "zeitgeist" is too strong a word in some cases, but at least there will be societal expectations, trends, and ways of thinking favoured by prominent groups like the media, politicians, and academics.

I can remember being very critical of the previous zeitgeist which was the neoliberal economics and politics of the late 1970s up to the early 2000s, but now we have an even worse one, which is the opposite in many cases: woke-ism. Just to be clear, by this I mean political correctness, adherence fo postmodernist theory, critical race theory, and what some people call neo-Marxism.

The critical difference between these 2 is that neoliberalism was very individual and based on right-wing concepts, but woke-ism is more oriented towards groups and is based on leftist principles.

I should also say at this point that both of these ideologies have some merit, but both went too far, resulting in a correction which became an over-correction, because when a political view achieves what it wants it never stops there, it always goes on until the situation is worse than it was before, but usually in the opposite direction.

For example, women did not have equality, and have only achieved it since the feminist movement helped remove unfair laws, but did feminism stop there? No, now they want equity rather than equality. They want women to be paid the same as men for doing lesser work, for working shorter hours, and for having less commitment to the job. Why? because they cannot accept that men and women are different and that men, on average, are more work oriented than women. It's a fact, people!

A similar argument applies to racial issues. Black people (I'm talking about the US in particular here) have as many rights as anyone else, but they still do badly, on average, and again the woke mob demand laws to "fix" this, instead of looking at any underlying cultural problems. They want monetary payments for slavery in the past, even though many black people do not have any background with slavery, and others actually owned slaves themselves.

So I think it is clear that woke-ism started with good intentions but has since become corrupted by its own agenda. Now, instead of making society better, it is dragging it down into conflict and mediocrity.

But there is hope, because there are clear signs that woke-ism is dying. Just like every other ideology that went too far, people are sick of it and rejecting leaders who embrace it. It is not coincidental that I am writing this post just after Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, announced he is resigning. He was probably the most woke leader of a major country and he has been thoroughly rejected by the people, with his party facing a massive defeat at the next election.

He lasted a bit longer than our own (New Zealand's) super-woke tyrant, Jacinda Ardern, but their path has been nearly identical: entering power and enjoying some success because of their "kindness" until people realised it is all fake and very destructive. Both Ardern and Trudeau resigned before they were destroyed in an election, so they certainly saw the inevitable consequences of their actions.

I have already discussed Trump's win in the US, and that was undoubtedly also partly because of the rejection of woke-ism. The two most prominent woke leaders remaining, Keir Starmer (prime minister of the UK) and Anthony Albanese (prime minister of Australia) are both very unpopular and might nor survive long as leaders, so the trend against the woke left seems fairly obvious.

Of course, this reversal won't last. Eventually the more right oriented parties which are prominent now will go too far themselevs and the left will come back until they do something outrageous and... well, you get the idea.

It seems like a very inefficient and confrontational way to run the world, but it's what we've got. Is there a better way or is this the best we can do? I've always been enthusiastic about direct democracy, or at least going further down that path, but even that is debatable. Maybe we are just doomed to alternate between the extremes.

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Evolution is a "Fact"

2025-01-04. Science. Rating 3. ID 2379.

In recent weeks I have come across several on-line discussions where religious people have tried to reject science which is inconvenient to their views, especially related to evolution. In a recent post ("I Support Religion!" from 2024-09-20) I did moderate my opinion somewhat, mainly because what often replaces traditional religion (what I call "woke-ism" and "woo") is even worse than the actual religion, but I still feel as if I need to defend science against the attacks from creationists and the like.

Here's the first claim: that the chance of specific proteins, or sometimes other chemical structures, or the cell, etc arising by chance is so low that it is impossible that it happened naturally, and an intelligence (which, of course, is the particular god the person prefers) is the only explanation. A common number tossed about here is that there is one chance in 10^70 (ten thousand trillion quadrillion quadrillion) of a protein arising naturally.

Another claim is this: that the complex life we have nowadays developing through evolution is like a hurricane blowing through a junkyard and leaving a fully assembled 747 afterwards. Again, it is so unlikely that it is practically impossible.

Then there is this, which seems more sophisticated but is actually the easiest to answer: that thermodynamics states that the universe tends to a greater state of "disorder" (entropy) and this scientific theory, which is almost universally accepted, contradicts evolution.

For someone without much of a science background, or little knowledge of critical thinking, or with an ideology they want to support, these all seem like pretty fair points, but there are a few factors which maybe they didn't take account of.

So the most simple question I would ask, which requires no technical knowledge is this: if it is really that easy to disprove evolution (or maybe abiogenesis) why do the vast majority of scientists still accept evolution as fact? Sure, there could be a vast conspiracy against religion, but even many religious scientists accept evolution, and conspiracies are generally (but not always) untrue. This isn't proof in any way, but it is something to consider.

The bigger factor is this: evolution is the continual process of small changes accumulating over time. Not only that, but it happens massively in parallel, with billions of individuals being potentially affected by it simultaneously, and over billions of years. And each small step is selected for and these act as the starting point for the next step.

There is one other point too: it isn't really random, and there is something like an "intelligence" controlling it. The laws of physics act like an intelligent agent might, by selecting and enhancing each step.

So, if we use our "747 from a junkyard" example, it is more accurate to think of it slightly differently. Imagine instead of one junkyard, there are billions, and each junkyard is subject to hurricanes in quick succession over billions of years. And the 747 doesn't need to be created in one step; anything that is useful (like part of a wing) will be kept and used as the starting point for the next step. And the "partial 747s" which are created will increase in number greatly and the failures will disappear. And it doesn't have to be a 747; it could be anything useful.

That final point is important. We could say that the chances of a 747 being created are practically zero, but why would we expect that a 747 is the required outcome? That just happens to be something we are retro-fitting to the process. It could have been an A380 instead, or a Cessna, or a helicopter, or something we have never seen before.

Many of these ideas, and a lot more, are covered in Richard Dawkins' book, "Climbing Mount Improbable" which is particularly good at explaining how the small steps are not only possible, but inevitable. I do admit I haven't ready this whole book (only parts) but I have read other material on the subject and other Dawkins books, so I think this one might be useful for people who doubt evolution.

Note also, that modelling on these factors has been done, and the probabilities do check out. Also note that the most important evolutionary steps happened billions of years ago, and we have very little indisputable evidence of them, but that is just the nature of the problem, and not a specific weakness of evolution.

Finally, there is the entropy argument. Entropy applies to closed systems, so the total disorder (not a technically correct term, but close enough in this context) in such a system does increase, meaning highly "ordered" objects should be less likely. But we have a continuous source of energy which can overcome this affect (the Sun). Also, small parts can become more ordered as long as the system as a whole (the universe) becomes more disordered. So thermodynamics is fully compatible with evolution.

I tend to avoid using the word "fact", because philosophically we can never be absolutely certain about anything in the physical world (as opposed to abstract worlds such as maths and logic) but as an approximation I think it is reasonable to say that evolution is a "fact".

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Manufactured Outrage

2024-12-17. News. Rating 4. ID 2378.

One of the main reasons people have used for rejecting Trump as US president is the unrest which happened on Jan 6 after he lost the 2020 election to Biden. Now, there are various problems with that result, but I am going to assume it was legitimate in this post. Even if it wasn't, I think it would have been better for the country for Trump to have just conceded, and let things proceed normally.

I used the more neutral term "unrest" above, because I think other words are too biased in either a negative way (insurrection) or positive (peaceful protest). Whatever you want to call it, I wanted to try to show that it wasn't quite as problematic as many people think.

So let's do a comparison between the Jan 6 activities and similar "unrest" associated with the left, in this case the BLM protests. I'm sure many people thought the BLM protests were justified, but I have shown fairly conclusively they weren't in past posts. But even if some people thought they were "doing the right thing", so did many people involved on Jan 6 as well. So let's do a comparison of the two events...

BLM involved over 500 individual riots over a long period of time (seven months), where Jan 6 was a single event over a short time period (a few hours).

The BLM riots resulted in over 20 murders committed by participants, but Jan 6 involved none. And 2037 police were assaulted by the BLM mob, but just 140 were on Jan 6 (any number other than zero is bad, but the lower number is at least preferable to the higher one).

In the BLM riots hundreds of small businesses, which had no connection to the alleged problem at all, and some of which were owned by black people, were destroyed. In Jan 6 no private property was damaged. In addition over 150 federal buildings were damaged by the BLM protestors, but only one by the crowd on Jan 6.

The BLM protests resulted in between $1 billion and $2 billion worth of damage, but Jan 6 only did $1.5 million in damage.

Many BLM rioters were bailed and released, but the Jan 6 people were arrested, charged with the most extreme crimes possible, and jailed. The media constantly supported BLM but exaggerated and criticised Jan 6.

Whether Trump encouraged the protest or not is debatable. I mean, he definitely encouraged protest but he did ask for no violence. Many left wing politicians actively encouraged the destruction carried out by BLM.

Now, there might have been some delusional people at both incidents who thought they could create genuine change: either changing the government or eliminating the police, but neither of those was really going to happen, and we really have to believe that people were either caught up in some sort of fake act of heroism, or were just trying to make a point, or were totally corrupt and were there for their own benefit. In particular many of the BLM protestors looted items for themselves that had nothing to do with the alleged reasons for the unrest. At least the Jan 6 mob seemed to have a genuine political purpose, even if it was untrue or at least poorly informed.

Notice again that the primary industry involved with the fake narrative - that the Jan 6 protestors were evil insurrectionists and the BLM protestors were heroic battlers for fairness - was the media. The outrage was manufactured! I really believe that the biased reporting and ideological activism of the mainstream media is the primary source of many of the problems in the world today. And this has primarily happened since journalists were university trained.

The universities are the original source of the postmodernist nonsense we are only slowly moving away from now, and while the media are becoming far less relevant we should all be very concerned that teachers are generally university trained too. Many of them are spreading their insidious woke ideology to the next generation.

We might be beginning to win some battles against woke-ism, but the war is far from over.

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Avoid Microsoft

2024-12-04. Computers. Rating 2. ID 2377.

In the past I have made no secret of my general lack of respect for the world's biggest software company, Microsoft. I am an IT consultant and programmer and many people assume that I use a lot of Microsoft products, making my dislike of them rather hypocritical, but no, I don't use any of their products at all, unless I am forced to by corporate decisions or to help other people who are in the unfortunate position of using them.

At this point you might be asking why. Microsoft products are extremely widely used, so surely that is an indication of quality, or at least fitness for a purpose. Well maybe, but my experience indicates that other factors are more often at work.

For example, I asked someone the other day about whether they had ever considered alternatives to Microsoft Word. This was in the context of Word misbehaving and causing data loss and a lot of frustration for the user. They replied that they thought Word was the ony word processor which exists, and there was no alternative. Other reasons include that Microsoft products are the only ones available free at a workplace, or that a policy states that they must be used, or that to be compatible with other people they must use Microsoft products.

All of these are fair, except for the assumption that there is no alternative, which is really because of pure ignorance, but I still feel like the use of one of the most important tools we have in modern life, the computer, would be better if we could remove Microsoft from the equation.

As an indication of my attitude, here is a message I have sent to Microsoft recently when I was asked to evaluate one of their systems, which I am forced to use: "well, it's very slow, it has a lot of bugs, it sometimes loses data, the user interface is unintuitive, it is quite ugly, the login rarely works, apart from that it's OK". Here are some other comments on the same product: "I have never, in my extensive time in IT, come across an uglier, more confusing, buggier, more unintuitive pile of garbage. What are you even thinking?" and "It generates quite a lot of errors, it's slow, the SSO is buggy, it is awkward to use. Apart from that, it's OK!" and "User interface is inconsistent. It can be slow. It randomly asks for logins occasionally. It sometimes crashes and gives errors. Apart from that, it's fine!"

So I wasn't too complimentary there, although that system can be used as long as you don't want to enjoy your work, you don't mind wasting a lot of time working around the problems, and you are philosophical about coping with constant disappointment!

And here are some comments I made about Microsoft in general, especially in relation to their technical support: "Nothing works. Every. Single. Time. Every time I use a Microsoft product something goes wrong." and "Please shut down the company and return the funds to your shareholders." and "Why any competent adult would use a Microsoft product is beyond me." and "I just don't seem to be able to add an existing license code to this account. The option isn't usually there, and if it is, it doesn't work. Wasted hours on it, an hour an a half chatting to support. Got nowhere. Waiting for a return call about it. Never got it. Getting to the point where I will use something else."

Maybe I was taking my criticism a bit too far there, but it was kind of fun. I always check the option saying that "Microsoft can contact me to discuss my comments" but for some reason, they never do!

So to complete this post, let me give a list of software I use instead of Microsoft's products...

Operating system. Obviously I don't use Windows. I am a Mac user and I find macOS is superior in its ease of use, reliability, and security. But the big thing is it is just so much simpler. I don't mean that it does less, I mean you can do the same thing much more easily.

Word processing. Instead of Word I use Apple Pages. It is so much more elegant, the user interface makes a lot more sense, it has never crashed in all the years I have used it, and the output is predictable and looks better than Word.

Presentation. Instead of PowerPoint I use Apple Keynote. Similar comments apply here. My presentations always work, even the movies and other media; the animations and effects look better; and it is more intuitive to use; and you guessed it: it never crashes!

Spreadsheets. This is one category I am a bit less confident about. I do have to concede that Excel does have an excellent set of features, even though the user interface is pretty awful. I do use Numbers, but I don't need a lot of very advanced functions so I am not sure if that would be practical for other users.

Graphics and design. Did I mention that I also don't like Adobe? Their software is better than Microsoft's, technically, but I don't like their licensing, and their programs often feel a bit bloated and overdone. I now use the Affinity apps for design, although Pixelmator Pro is adequate for 90% of my photo enhancement.

Other stuff. I use BBEdit as my text editor. In fact, I probably use it more than any other program, including for writing these posts, and writing the code which makes my web site and blog work. I use open source web systems: Apache, PHP, and MySQL. And I use a lot of apps developed by smaller companies, and avoid the big companies (except for Apple).

If you are a true computer geek, like me, you should strive to make your experience as fast, reliable, and flexible as possible. If you don't really like computers much you could make things a bit better for yourself by using intuitive, pleasant programs. Either way, avoid Microsoft!

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Learning from Failure

2024-11-28. Politics. Rating 3. ID 2376.

Everyone makes mistakes, don't they? Given that, what is the best response when you fail or discover that you got something wrong? Is it to blame someone else, or to blame the system (patriarchy, etc), or is it to look honestly at the situation and accept some (or all) of the blame yourself, and improve so you don't fail again in the future?

Well, that's obviously a rhetorical question, because any reasonable person would choose the "accept your own culpability" option, and improve as a result. But is that what commonly happens?

Of course, often it is not. There seems to be a major trend towards right wing politics around the world at this point in history, including the most obvious example: Trump's victory in the US. You might think at this point that the left would look at what they are offering and maybe adjust their approach to make it more popular, right?

Well, no. At least, not in the majority of cases. I have seen a massive amount of "feedback" from the losing side in the US, and none of them are thinking along the lines of maybe they had the wrong candidate, or the wrong policies, or the completely wrong approach to the election. Instead they are blaming the voters who they say are racists or misogynists, or claiming that Trump cheated in some unspecified way, or that the Republicans had access to more campaign funds.

These are all ridiculous. No doubt there are racists out there, who would not vote for a "person of colour" (which makes me wonder how Obama managed to win), but I don't think they are common. And there are also misogynist who would not vote for a woman, but there are plenty of people who are "reverse misogynists" who would vote for Harris because she is a woman, so that is unlikely to be a major factor.

And it's difficult to see how Trump could have cheated, considering the establishment bureaucrats running the election seem to be primarily Democrat supporters. Also, just saying "he cheated" is not helpful. We need details to take this allegation seriously.

And the Democrats were the ones who got most of the massive donations from big business, so they had far more funding. It is interesting that corporations now favour the Dems, because they are now the party of big business and the elites, and the Republicans are there for the working class (in theory, at least).

So when I see Democratic Party supporters saying they lost because Americans are racist, or misogynist, or ignorant, or evil, I just think: "you're not learning, are you". And that is a problem, because in the past I have been a supporter of the left more than the right, but as the left "lost its mind" pursuing a woke agenda, I had to swap.

So if I was an American I would have voted for Trump, not because I think he is the best possible person to be president, but because Harris was unelectable, in my opinion. The same thing has happened here in New Zealand, I voted for our libertarian party at the last election, but in the past I have voted for the left (Labour and Green) before they went woke. There is no way I could do that again, unless they change quite considerably.

To be fair, New Zealand's Labour (center-left) Party has learned to some extent from its extreme ideology under the tyrant, Jacinda Ardern. Several things have changed since the new leader took over, but not enough, and because they would need to form a coalition with parties which can only be described as totally insane (The Greens and Maori Party) voting for the left just isn't an option.

I think there is a place for parties with views I find insane, because other people might not see them that way, and everyone has the right to vote for who they think best represents them, but the left will find it hard to regain power unless they recognise that having extreme politically correct (AKA woke) views is unlikely to be a winning strategy at elections.

Just in closing, I strongly disapprove of one "insane" party having representation because of the ethnicity of their suporters rather than having any inherent merit. I'm talking about the Maori Party here, which has several MPs despite not winning any normal electorates or gaining 5% of the vote, like every other party needs to do. Having special electorates, just for a group based on race, which leads to an unfair advantage, is not real democracy.

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Unity Through Division

2024-11-18. Politics. Rating 4. ID 2375.

The most functional countries around the world tend to be those with the greatest unity. Any country with multiple communities within it, whether those are based on race, religion, or history, will almost inevitably encounter more conflict than others. This should be obvious, which is why so many political leaders and parties emphasise unity as a message.

But the problem is that many of these same people preaching unity want to implement policies which emphasise division. For example, they might want to give certain groups special privileges that others don't get. People are very attuned to their societal and economic position relative to others, so this sort of action will inevitably breed resentment and division.

I do have to say that in many cases these special privileges exist because of genuine concern for groups which are seen as having some degree of disadvantage, but the answer to that problem is to make sure everyone can exist on an equal level, not to give some an unfair advantage.

Currently, here in New Zealand, we have a major social issue where special privileges handed out to the indigenous people, Maori, are partly being reduced by the government, and one party, Act, wants to implement a law making all citizens equal, instead of there being a pile of special privileges for Maori.

Before I go any further, here is a partial list of those privileges: Maori focused schools, special Maori content in the education curriculum, Maori-only education scholarships, Maori-only housing projects, Maori-only health initiatives, Maori-only welfare initiatives, Maori-only prisoner programmes, Maori-only positions on government agencies, Maori-only consultation rights under the Resource Management Act, Maori-only co-management of parks, rivers, lakes, and the coastline, Maori-only ownership rights to the foreshore and seabed, a special Maori Authority tax rate of 17.5 percent, a special Maori-only exemption to allow blood relatives to qualify for charitable status, Maori language funding, Maori radio and TV, Maori-only seats on local councils, Maori-only appointments onto local government committees, Maori-only local government statutory boards, Maori-only local government advisory committees, Maori seats in Parliament.

Because they don't want to give these up (and who can blame them) there is a major protest march, which is likely to last more than a week (yeah, I haven't heard how they got all that time off work, but I have some theories) and finish in the capital city, Wellington, to confront the government.

Now I've got to say, these people seem like a bunch of radical nutters. That is harsh, and probably not true in every case, but in general they are incoherent, irrational, inconsistent, and deliberately obscure.

Nominally, the march is about the "Treaty Principles Bill" which is the action I mentioned above that Act are recommending to give everyone the same rights, but everyone knows that there isn't sufficient support in parliament to get that through to law, and it will be ineffective, so why have a major protest about it?

It seems to me that it is just Maori throwing their weight around and giving a warning that they will not give up those privileges easily. It's a warning to any politician in the future who wants to pursue a similar aim. They will not accept it, they will not debate it, all they will do is act like a bunch of children who don't get what they demand.

And I think there is good reason to think that this protest has been primarily organised by the Maori Party. Yes, that's the same party who prefer to rip up documents, jump around making threatening gestures, shout a lot, and disrupt the usual processes of government. OK, we all know that government is never particularly inspiring even when it is working perfectly, but this just makes everything a lot worse.

The opponents of the Treaty Principles Bill claim it is divisive, but I cannot see how a proposal to give everyone equal rights can increase division. Several surveys have shown substantial support for the Bill, which indicates to me that the majority of New Zealanders feel the current arrangements are unfair. We are already divided. Giving everyone the same rights seems like more a way to increase unity, although it would take a while for some people to accept the change.

Unfortunately, many in the media are indulging in the usual biased reporting on this issue, and there are reports of media people, funded by the taxpayer, actually joining the march for short periods of time. And the current video of the young Maori activist MP ripping up the bill and prancing around with her friends, like some sort of savage from 200 years ago, has gone viral and is being held as an inspiring example of resistance by some. But I suspect the majority just look at it and laugh at us again.

Sometimes hard decisions need to be made to make genuine progress. There will be a lot of whining and complaining to start with, but eventually there will be acceptance, because you can't get unity through division.

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Deranged Rants

2024-11-13. Politics. Rating 4. ID 2374.

Before I move on, I need to make one more post about the Trump victory in the US. When Biden won at the last election, Republican supporters were criticised for their failure to accept the result and for their violent and hateful rhetoric. But we haven't heard of a similar attitude from the Democrats after their defeat, have we? Well, we might not hear about it in the mainstream media, but it's out there, big time!

So I thought I would list a few I have come across (without specifically looking for them). I apologise in advance for some of the language used, and for the irrational, revolting comments made. Here are some examples...

Here's a mild one: "Trump won dirty with lies about the economy, racist and sexist attacks on Harris, and transphobic hate." I don't recall seeing any of that. Everyone (including myself) who criticised Harris did it because she was incoherent, disorganised, and untruthful, not because of her sex or race.

This one is just paranoid. A person posted on TikTok, crying because she thinks she will wake up a slave after Trump won. The delusion is incredible. No one is going to be a slave. I wonder if she knows it was the Republicans who were tha main party behind freeing slaves in the US.

Another post on TikTok contained an insane, unhinged rant against Trump supporters calling them pedos, Nazis, fascists, racists, etc. She says she would kill them (Trump supporters) but they're not worth going to prison over because they're dirt. I suspect this moron would come off second best if she took on most Trump supporters, but despite the hateful rhetoric, hopefully she would never try to carry out the threat.

Here's some advice from an X user: "If you know a maga Republican Nazi, hurt them, punch them, fight them, harm them, make them hurt. It's because they are Nazis they are awful human beings and they deserve to be killed." I always though explicit calls for murder like that were illegal, but there were no consequences for this that I could see.

A woman who thinks her parents voted Trump said: "Take me out of the will. I never want you hear from you again. I don’t feel safe being in a relationship with you." People who disagree with your politics aren't evil (well, some probably are, but not because they disagree with you), they're just people with a different view from you. She should try to be a little bit more tolerant, like the left used to be.

Another unhinged leftist told a Trump supporter: "I want you to find yourself in a Princess Diana car accident." Before that she had approached his server at a restaurant and told them not to serve him. Again, a hateful statement, wishing an political opponent had a fatal accident. This is how "kind" the left has become!

Democratic Party member, AOC worried that Trump might "jail political dissidents or legislative opponents" in his upcoming term. No, that's what the Democrats do to people they disagree with. She seems to have got a bit confused.

Then there are the claims that Trump is not a legitimate president. A young woman encouraged her friends to "seduce Trump voters so that their marriage is destroyed". Looking at some of these people there chances of success with seduction seem slim... which they aren't!

Another said: "If you voted for Trump I hope you can fight (with a threatening gesture)". As I said above, I doubt whether these people could ever carry out their threats of violence, but sometimes even empty threats result in real world consequences.

Another TikTok user (there seem to be a lot of nutty people there) called on women to divorce their husbands, and suggests if they can’t, they should poison them. Presumably she assumes that all men voted Trump, and so death threats are fine.

A person suggested the most effective form of protest was to "put a mask back on", meaning people can't see your face when you do something suspicious, plus you might get better health. I always though that masks were a badge of identity during COVID, more than a genuine health intervention. Maybe this confirms that.

Now we get onto some more troubling behaviour: One young woman (almost all these people were female) appeared on a video, waving a knife around and shouting "f*ck Donald Trump". What happened to all that "joy" Kamala was talking about?

A minor celebrity (I had never heard of) encouraged "Resistance against Trump and Republican policies. First mourn, then fight. Give him hell. Make his presidency impossible." Why not wait to see what he policies he actually implements and resist specific examples which are problematic? This attitude of "if it's Trump, it's evil" is just completely irrational.

A UK politician claimed "Donald Trump is killing thousands of Americans... He has no place in the White House. He's an embarrassment, and he should be ashamed of himself... He's an absolute disgrace." Trump organised the production of the COVID vaccine which (arguably) saved many lives, and no wars started while he was president. How is he "killing thousands"? Maybe thet's Obama you're thinking of.

A young "lady" had trouble accepting the result. She couldn't understand how Trump had won, and was now an election denier. She claimed there was "no way Trump got the f*cking popular vote, the presidency, the house, and senate." As I said in a previous post: so unaware.

I could give you hundreds more examples of deranged rants but this last thing is a sad example of where irrational comments turned into real world violence. A man of 45 killed himself, after also killing his wife and 2 sons, over Trump winning. The media have to take a lot of responsibility for driving people insane.

So never let anyone tell you the left is more fair, kind, rational, or understanding. Many of them are totally feral, unhinged, and totally irrational.

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So Unaware

2024-11-11. Politics. Rating 4. ID 2373.

Surely the most dangerous attitude for any political group to have is lack of awareness. If people are unaware of the reality in the wider world how could they possibly make decisions which will be effective? Of course, I am referring to the Democrats and their supporters in the recent US election. In my opinion, they lost mainly because they are out of touch with reality.

Many prominent people, celebrities, media companies, and many large corporations strongly supported the Democrats. A superficial analysis might lead you to think that meant the majority of voters also supported them. Sorry, wrong!

It is a common phenomenon where the noisiest, most obnoxious, most arrogant people make a big fuss about a political issue, and when that is reinforced by the biased media, it might make us believe they represent the majority. But often, they don't.

The same thing is happening here in New Zealand where a bunch of lazy parasites (yeah, OK, being a bit judgemental there) are currently engaged in a march to parliament to protest against the Treaty of Waitangi Principles Bill. They organised this before they even knew what was in the bill, because any suggestion that Maori privileges might end triggers them. Judging from media coverage you might think that almost every New Zealander supports this protest, but surveys show the majority support the Bill. So the woke mob who are against the Bill seem to be unaware of the level of support it has.

Trump won because many working class people identify with his message. The Democrats have become a party for the elite, and for people who like a "nice" message instead of hard reality. They were unaware that their message was not attractive to the majority of voters. So even though Donald Trump is a difficult character for many, he still won because he was aware enough to create a message which did connect.

For example, his decision to appear on major podcasts, especially Joe Rogan's, was brilliant. I listened to that podcast and I thought Trump represented himself well, like a real person instead of the caricature the media showed us, although his aggressive style and tendency to engage in hyperbole were still there! And if you think podcasts don't matter then you are suffering from the same lack of awareness as the Democrats.

Of course, it could have been that if Kamala Harris had been subjected to an unscripted, unrehearsed 3 hour discussion with Joe Rogan her total vacuousness would have become obvious to everyone, but if that was the case, why was she chosen as the candidate to start with? Well, we all know the answer to that don't we: she was a diversity hire!

The world has recently started changing. The era of woke is drawing to an end. Many people are getting sick of being told that they are racists, or that the history of their country is evil, or that men are women, or that the police should be defunded. This might have worked 5 or 10 years ago but we're getting over it now. Maybe the Democrats weren't aware of this change.

And many of us noticed that every time Trump was attacked he just got stronger. After the obviously political law cases he gained voters. Why? Maybe the Democrats were so unaware of the consequences of their actions that they thought those dirty tricks would help. And amongst their own team the idea of "not electing a convicted felon" was popular. But other people were thinking "why vote for a party (the Dems) which uses the law against its political opponents?"

And the assassination attempts gave him a massive boost. The shooters' motivations were not very well explored by the media, which suggests they were largely due to left leaning ideology, but the imagery of his defiance after the shooting must have been worth a lot of votes.

I saw a cartoon very apropos to the general "lack of awareness" phenomenon. It showed two very earnest woke lefties, and one says to the other "I can't believe that a year of us screaming at Zionists, taking over buildings, destroying college property and burning American flags didn't defeat Trump".

There's a lot of truth in that cartoon. Most people are getting very sick of protestors who support terrorists, who inconvenience others by holding up traffic with their hysterical climate protests, and who engage in rioting, arson, and murder to support a fake narrative of system racism in police. These people, almost universally supported by the left, are morons, but they are also unaware of how their stupidity is seen by others.

If there was one factor separating the left and right at this point in history it would be this: the left want to do nice sounding things, even if the don't work; the right want to do the things which have worked in the past, even if they seem harsh on unkind. You can make you own choice, but be aware.

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A Win for MAGA

2024-11-06. Politics. Rating 3. ID 2372.

Well, it's basically all over, and I'm so happy about that. Just in case you are wondering, I'm talking about the US election, and as I write this, it's not quite all over, but unless there is a miracle (or some election fraud) Trump has won. I did write a second version of this post for Harris winning, but it looks like I won't need it!

The endless stream of ill-informed, biased, unoriginal nonsense being peddled by the media here was getting to me a bit. I mean, the last few weeks have been so tedious with all of those hours of media coverage, being able to be summarised as: there's an election in the US, it is close, there's a bad man called Trump, there's a wonderful beacon of hope called Kamala, who we really want to win, but we can't come out and say that ourselves, but we will only ask biased commentators to speak and try to choose ignorant sounding Trump supporters to try to discredit him.

And all the celebrities who have made such heart-felt pleas from on high to the common people, asking them to "do the right thing" or threatening to leave the country if they get the wrong result, have not succeeded. I wonder how many of them will actually leave.

I have made no secret of the fact that I would prefer a Trump victory, even though his supporters are likely to be ridiculed and denigrated at every opportunity. Now I can act a bit smug: where did I put my MAGA hat? (Just joking, I don't have one)

But given all the problems with Trump, why do I support him?

Well first, most of the criticisms of him are nonsense. Many of the suggestions on how he might behave when in power can be answered by looking at what happened when he was president four years ago. Did he behave that badly then? Not really. Well, there was the January 6 "insurrection"", but let's deal with that later.

What about his criminal convictions? Is that not enough to make him unfit to be president? If they were genuine, maybe (and that really is "maybe", not definitely), but they weren't genuine. Legal experts have questioned the motivations behind those, and it seems clear they were just a dirty trick to try to discredit him. The fact that they engineered such a antidemocratic and devious plot should be a reason not to vote Democrat!

So, he is loud, unpleasant, and obnoxious, isn't he? Fair enough. You could make that case, but those particular character "flaws" can be an advantage in many situations, and I prefer someone whose true character is on display rather than someone who is constantly saying what is deemed correct according to political expediency.

But, doesn't he lie a lot? Well he does say a lot of stuff which is not backed up with much evidence, although it is rarely without any supporting facts at all. He also indulges in a lot of hyperbole and rhetoric. But in general I find the other side spreading misinformation at least as much. I have heard the Democrats repeating the same discredited material over and over. For example, that Trump wants a nation-wide abortion ban. They are just as bad, if not worse.

So what about January 6? I think that was an extremely unfortunate event, and some of the blame for it must lie with Trump. Even if he thought the election had been stolen (and there was some evidence at various times to say it had) he should have just conceded anyway, for the good of the country. But Jan 6 did happen, even though Trump had asked his supporters not to indulge in violence. There were deaths, but only because of police over-reaction. And the riots the Democrats encouraged (BLM in particular) were much more damaging and lead to far more deaths.

Harris got a lot of support from high profile people, including celebrities, so should we not be taking notice of that and voting accordingly? Well, yes. When we see the most over-rated, mediocre, privileged people in society trying to tell us what to do I think there is a case to do the exact opposite. Maybe celebrities will get the message now: that there opinions are not taken seriously, to a large extent because they live in a fantasy world and are amongst the world's worst narcissists!

But isn't Trump a fascist, or a Nazi, or both? No, he's not. And Harris isn't a communist either. In fact several high profile white nationalists and other people the left tend to criticise have supported the Democrats. They are the ones talking about reducing rights (including free speech) upheld by the Constitution. You could make a case to say they have the more fascist tendencies, however I would just avoid using the word altogether.

What about the other people on Trump's "team". Aren't they dangerous extremists? Again, no. Elon Musk, for example, has had to endure a lot of abuse and even threats to how his businesses can operate, but he has values which seem to make a lot of sense to me. I think he, and other Trump team members, are arguably what the country needs to improve a lot of the problems it faces.

Isn't voting for Kamala just a good thing to do? Isn't electing the US's first female leader something we should celebrate? Well, no. She is clearly a "diversity hire" and I don't think she would have got to the position she has now if she wasn't a woman and was white (I really don't know what her latest claim of racial ancestry is). Voting based on the gender and racial characters of a person, rather than their skills, is not the right thing to do.

Notice that nothing I have discussed so far has said much about the policies of either side. To many people policy seems to be irrelevant. This is more an election about perceptions of the two potential leaders, about vague philosophical proclivities, and about emotion more than rationality. In many ways, policies don't matter.

So the US has chosen Trump, despite the massive forces against him, and I suspect there will be much angst generated by this. Will it be seen as a good result in 4 years time? Well, I don't know. Who knows what the future might hold? I just hope the Democrats learn at least a small amount from this, and can make a more compelling case for Americans' votes, next election.

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