OJB's Web Site. V 2.1. contents home owen2
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This displays the size of this web site by calculating the size of the databases that create the content. It also checks the status of the database tables.
Aircraft information pages: 74 OK Air show pages: 10 OK Astronomical objects: 108 OK Astronomical observations: 139 OK Blog post pages: 2,328 OK Blog comments: 6,028 OK Misc (cars, comments, etc) pages: 94 OK Miscellaneous comments: 462 OK Photos pages: 762 OK Photo stories pages: 45 OK Podcast pages: 213 OK Projects (my computer projects) pages: 315 OK Social (insta, twitter, debates) pages: 154 OK Tips (Mac, iPhone, etc) pages: 203 OK Wine and beer notes pages: 890 OK Wine and beer other pages: 79 OK Total pages in database: 11,922 OK
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