The color was medium ruby red. The bouquet had berry and light vanilla oak. There was smooth berry fruit, pepper and light spice, and a soft oak tannin finish. This wine had lighter body, with fruit and pepper flavours.
Note 1: I am not really a wine expert (just an enthusiastic amateur), so please don't take my recommendations as anything more than a rough guide to these wines. I can take no responsibility if you buy a lot of this particular wine, on my recommendation, and then regret it!
Note 2: You may not fully agree with my evaluation of these wines, as a lot of this is quite subjective. I tend to put a lot of emphasis on complexity and intense characteristic and varietal flavours and bouquet, so if you disagree you might just have different priorities.
My latest blog post: Between the Extremes: Maybe we are just doomed to alternate between the extremes. (posted 2025-01-09). Warning: mysqli_connect(): MySQL server has gone away in /Library/WebServer/Documents/Owen2/Inc/ on line 51
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