Up to OJB's Aircraft List Airfield Mock Attack, Warbirds 2004 This photo shows the airfield mock attack during its height. There's plenty of fighters around, including the Harvard at top-left which has been "shot down" and is trailing smoke. It has become a tradition to have a mock attack on the airfield each year with plenty of fighters flying around and lots of explosions. This year featured a V1 flying bomb and a submarine which had mysteriously appeared in the middle of Central Otago! ![Attack](../AirPhotos/Attack20041.jpg) Here's the Corsair which was part of the defending force. The mighty Corsair was one of the most successful fighters of World War II in the Pacific.|Although its a big fighter and weighs 9000 pounds, its 2000 horsepower Pratt and Whitney R-2800-8 radial engine can push it along at 420 mph at 20,000 feet.|The New Zealand Air Force used the FG version of this aircraft. Although 12,500 were produced, only about 30 are still flying today. ![Attack](../AirPhotos/Attack20042.jpg) This explosion resulted from a "near miss" on the enemy camp by an attacking force.|Most of the explosions were quite well synchronised with the attacking aircraft they were supposed to be from, and the occasional mistake was just treated as part of the fun. |