Comet 1998 J1 (SOHO).
Using 33cm Newtonian and 10x50 binoculars.
Started 1998-05-24 at 6.35.
Observed Comet 1998 J1 (SOHO) using 33cm Newtonian and 7x50 binoculars.
Near W horizon above Orion belt stars.
Some light cloud and remains of sunset but sky quite clear.
Nearly circular coma with even brightness change from nucleus to coma, some asymmetry on S side.
Tail much fainter but still easy on 33 cm and seen in 7x50.
Tail covered full width of 19mm eyepiece field and 1/2° in 7x50.
Tail seemed to split into two parts with S part longer.
Comet seemed to have a distinct pale green color. |