Occultation of Saturn on 02 Nov 2019 (Observation 122)
02 Nov 2019 (NZST)
20:45 (NZST)
Occultation of Saturn
Occultation of Saturn
20.45 NZDST
Observed occultation of Saturn by Moon.
Through C8 with 20mm eyepiece and 7x50 binoculars and 200 mm lens on 70D.
Saturn ring, then disk disappearing behind dark side of Moon, took about 1m.
After reappearance Saturn just above brightly lit surface.
Looked good through scope.
Photos a fail because Saturn underexposed and focus not quite right.
Weather really clear and warm conditions (23 degrees).
Saturn band visible and rings clear, including Cassini Division.
Jupiter, Venus, and Mercury also f=visible in SW.
I usually write a blog post about once a week. The latest post can be viewed here: So Unaware: You can make you own choice, but be aware. (posted 2024-11-11 at 17:01:55). Warning: mysqli_connect(): MySQL server has gone away in /Library/WebServer/Documents/Owen2/Inc/Footer.inc.php on line 59
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