If you have a performance issue on Mac OS X when launching and closing SPSS Statistics 21 or 22, you need to delete a preference file.
Delete the following file: com.ibm.spss.plist on your computer to dramatically reduce the opening and closing of the SPSS software.
This file is in /Library and ~/Library. Restart after deleting (this might not be necessary).
Note 1: this means opening the Library folder in your home folder, and/or the Library folder you see when opening the system disk (usually called "Macintosh HD").
Note 2: If you cannot see the home library folder, go to the Finder (desktop) app, and choose "Library" from the "Go" menu.
I usually write a blog post about once a week. The latest post can be viewed here: So Unaware: You can make you own choice, but be aware. (posted 2024-11-11 at 17:01:55). Warning: mysqli_connect(): MySQL server has gone away in /Library/WebServer/Documents/Owen2/Inc/Footer.inc.php on line 59
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