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Strange Behavior

Entry 53, on 2004-09-15 at 22:28:19 (Rating 1, News)

There was a news item this morning about someone who dressed as Batman and climbed Buckingham Palace in London to protest against the unfair treatment men get in the family court process.

I'm not going to comment on whether this treatment is genuinely unfair or not, but I do want to comment in support of this sort of behavior. I think it is good that people do weird things to make a point in this way - as long as they don't overdo it and cause it to become tedious.

The police apparently threatened to shoot Batman's trusty sidekick, Robin, who remained near the ground during the incident. I think that's a bit extreme, although I suspect they wouldn't have carried out the treat. Just imagine the public relations disaster involved with explaining that one to the public!


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