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Can't Beat a Classic

Entry 557, on 2007-06-19 at 20:21:14 (Rating 1, Computers)

Today I was at home with my kids, who were sick and taking a day off school. We were getting a bit bored so a few multi-player computer games seemed to be the answer. Our house is all wired up with Ethernet and also has wireless, and we have plenty of Macs around so these games are easy to set up and play.

After some games of Warcraft, Command and Conquer Generals, and Age of Mythology, we decided we wanted something different, so I installed the latest version of an old classic: Marathon Infinity and we played a few games of that. Marathon has gone open source and is available as a free download. It runs on Mac OS 9, Mac OS X, Linux and Windows.

Marathon has relatively simple graphics, but the game play is excellent. The game seems simple, but the tactics players can use get quite sophisticated. I remember playing against some other players at an Apple Worldwide Developers' Conference about 10 years ago. When I looked at the players' name tags they said "Bungie" - the name of the company that created the original version! I didn't feel so bad about losing then!


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