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US Government

Entry 63, on 2004-10-05 at 15:29:52 (Rating 4, Politics)

I can't believe the cheek of the US government! I read in the news that the US has been advising Israel on how they handle their "terrorist" problem with Palestine. Here's what they said: "The state department said Israel should use only 'proportional force' and urged it to avoid civilian casualties."

Huh? The US is giving out advice like this at the same time as they start wars in countries they don't like (Afghanistan and Iraq) and kill thousands of innocent civilians. Can't they see the hypocrisy in these comments? How likely do you think Israel is to take this sort of advice when the US is engaged in even worse behavior of the same sort in the same area of the world?

If Iraq wasn't bad enough to begin with, this is another issue which makes it even worse. The tough attitude the US has on their real and perceived enemies gives other countries the excuse to use similar hard line tactics themselves. For a start have a look at Israel and Russia. The US is the most powerful country and should be setting an example.


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